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2024 PowWow Flier (.pdf)
Potawatomi Trails Pow Wow
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
Donations can bemade out to:
Potawatomi Trails Pow Wow
PO Box 728
Zion, IL 60099
Or you can donate via PayPal:
Any Questions Or Assistance:
Please Call Bill Brown at
(920) 595-0386
The Potawatomi Trails Pow Wow Committee
is a not for profit educational group located in Northern Illinois and Southern
Wisconsin. The committee plans and hosts a pow-wow in Illinois, as well as many other community and Native American events. The goals of the committee are these:
- To educate about Native American Cultures without the influence of other organizations and free of political affiliations.
- To locate, document, and protect historical Native American sites located in and around our communities.
- To preserve traditional teachings and values for the youth of our communities.
What Is A Pow-Wow?
A pow-wow is a planned social event and gathering of Native American people. It is a celebration to mark the end of a season and to welcome the beginning of a new one. It is a time and place to thank the Great Spirit for the good events of the past season and to ask continuance of these into the next. A good time is enjoyed by all. A time and place to meet old friends and make new ones. Awards and recognitions are given to the deserving. Gifts are given. Honor songs are sung. Its a time to show-off the new dance outfits. Pow-wow times give us the chance to celebrate and reflect on Native American Heritage.
Who Participates At A Pow-Wow?
Everyone! The public is welcome. There are no spectators. When the MC announces an inter-tribal song everyone is welcome to dance if they choose to. Just browsing the trader booths or talking to people makes you part of the celebration.
Why Is This Called Potawatomi Trails Pow-Wow?
The Potawatomi Trails were established by the Native Americans who lived in this area and marked their footpaths to indicate directions. Small oak saplings were bent and tied into knots as signs to show the correct direction to travel. This pow-wow honors these people and their descendants who left these markers behind. Modern day Sheridan Road and Green Bay Road in Lake County, Illinois were built following these trails.
Note to educators:
We have several programs that involve performance and speakers. Please feel free to contact us to book a performance.
Take a look at photos of the previous Pow-Wow
(Photos & Video Courtesy of North Point Digital Productions)